Osorio brings experience as nurse and patient to role with NASH


Noemi OsorioNoemi Osorio knew she wanted to be a nurse after she spent nearly a month in the hospital as a young child. Nurses made her feel welcome and cared for while she recovered from surgery. Now she offers that same level of care as a registered nurse and NASH’s administrator of patient support.

Osorio guides NASH patients through their entire Travel-for-Treatment healthcare experience while they’re in Mexico. In her role, she combines her medical expertise with a heightened level of empathy she developed as a girl.

“I create a trusting environment for the patient, so they feel safe and confident they’ll receive a high level of healthcare,” she said. “I understand it’s a true journey for patients to travel to a foreign country with a different language for medical treatment, so anything I can do to make their journey easier and pleasant makes me feel very satisfied.”

Osorio’s commitment to the patient experience reflects NASH and its focus on continuity of care, from enrollment through recovery. It’s one reason why NASH has a 97 percent satisfaction score among patients – well above the U.S. average. And it’s why Osorio chose to join the NASH team.

“I could tell their values align with the way I like to work,” she said. “I really liked how everyone at NASH is involved with patient care. It’s everyone’s priority.”

Read more about Osorio’s professional experience and the NASH patient journey.